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Drowning Report 2017

For Immediate Release

Lifesaving Society announces the release of the 2017 Drowning Report

The Lifesaving Society is a National Not-For-Profit organization, solely focused on drowning prevention.  Each year, the Lifesaving Society along with our partners release this report to inform on the issues of drowning related deaths in the province.

Highlights of the Report

  • This year’s report (2017) reports on data up to and including 2014. The delay is due to ensuring accuracy of reporting from coroner’s reports.
  • The highest drowning rate in Manitoba was found among children under the age of 5; and was the highest among any province in Canada.
  • The second highest age group for drownings in Manitoba was ages 20-24, with 3.4 drownings per 100,000 a rate that is nearly double the national rate of 1.8 drownings per 100,000.
  • Swimming, walking/running/playing near water, and boating remain leading causes of drownings in Manitoba and 96% of boating deaths were not wearing a Lifejacket.

The Key Message

Manage your risk.  Take a minute to evaluate the drowning risks you face each day, be it playing at the waterfront with kids, boating, or fishing.  Wear a Lifejacket, supervise children, and remember that alcohol and boating or swimming does not mix.
