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First Aid & CPR


ABCD - Airway, Breathing, Circulation, DefibrilationLearn basic first aid skills today, and save a life tomorrow! Lifesaving Society First Aid and CPR training prepares both aquatic professionals and the public with the skills and confidence for real emergencies. All courses include training and practice with Automated External Defibrillators (AED).

Manitoba Workplace Safety & Health recognizes our first aid programs. Emergency First Aid and Standard First Aid certifications are valid for three years. Aquatic Emergency Care is valid for two years.


The Lifesaving Society offers all levels of CPR training, including CPR-A, CPR-C, and CPR for Health Care Providers (HCP). In every course, candidates learn about circulatory emergencies such as heart attacks and stroke. Hands-on practice ensures candidates leave feeling comfortable to perform CPR in case of an emergency.

Recertification Process

  • CPR-A candidates must successfully complete a full CPR-A course to recertify.
  • CPR-C candidates must successfully complete a CPR-C recertification clinic that is a minimum of 3 hours in length in order to recertify.
  • CPR-HCP candidates must successfully complete a CPR-HCP recertification clinic that is a minimum of 4 hours in length in order to recertify.

Basic (Emergency) First Aid & CPR-C

The 7.5 hour Basic (Emergency) First Aid & CPR-C course is for people who want a general knowledge of first aid principles and the emergency treatment of injuries. Skills include victim assessment, rescue breathing, CPR, AED use, choking, respiratory and circulatory emergencies such as heart attack and stroke, bone & joint injuries, burns, medical/legal aspects and how to deal with external bleeding. CPR-C is included.

Recertification Process

Candidate must successfully complete a full SFA & CPR C recertification that is a minimum of 4 hours in length

Intermediate (Standard) First Aid & CPR-C

The 14-hour Standard First Aid course provides comprehensive training covering all aspects of first aid and CPR. This course is for those who want an in-depth understanding of first aid. It includes all of the content for Emergency first Aid and the following: spinal injuries, heat or cold injuries, bone and joint injuries, abdominal and chest injuries, burns, poisonings, and medical emergencies. CPR-C is included.

Recertification Process

Candidate must successfully complete a full SFA & CPR C recertification that is a minimum of 7 hours in length

Aquatic Emergency Care

This 18-hour course includes Standard First Aid plus an aquatic skills module. The aquatic skills include a shallow water rescue and aquatic spinal injury management. This course is ideal for lifeguards and other individuals who may need to apply first aid in an aquatic setting, such as front desk or maintenance workers in facilities with pools. CPR-C is included. 

Recertification Process

Candidates must successfully complete a full AEC Recertification that is a minimum of 8.5 hours in length