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Test Sheets and Forms


The Manitoba Program Guide provides Instructors, Trainers, and Affiliates with information about Lifesaving Society Manitoba’s program policies and procedures. Updates are made regularly. The most recent edition was published in October 2024.

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Test Sheets & Forms

Test sheets show if each candidate passed or failed each item in a course and their overall performance. They are legal documents that must be signed by the Instructor and Examiner and filled out in pen (unless filled in electronically). Affiliates are responsible for submitting to Lifesaving Society Manitoba the appropriate test sheet(s). Affiliates must also keep a copy of each test sheet for their records. We invite Instructors, Examiners, and Trainers to use the Test Sheet Resource Guide to ensure their test sheets are ready to process.

Help! What forms should I send in? The Society has prepared a new Quick Reference Guide to help you decide which forms need to be submitted with your course test sheets.


Candidate Evaluation

Instructors, Examiners, and Trainers may use these optional forms to give candidates a written record of performance at the end of a course. They are not proof of certification.

National Lifeguard Examiners are required to submit an evaluation form for candidates who fail an original or recertification exam.

Apprentice Teach/Exam Forms Evaluation

These forms are used when a co-teach or co-exam is required by the Manitoba Program Guide or the Branch.

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