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Member Input Request – Safety Standard Review

Swimming Pool Basin Colour

Draft Safety Standard

As Canada’s lifeguarding expert, the Lifesaving Society advises the judicial system, governments, pool and waterfront owners and operators on matters related to public safety in aquatic environments.

The Society’s leadership in establishing aquatic safety standards is driven by our mission to prevent drowning and reduce water related injury.  Lifesaving Society Canada utilizes a standardized process for the development of position statements and standards. This process is managed by the National Safety Standards Commission.

One step in this development process includes consultation with the Society’s members, providing them with an opportunity to review and comment on proposed standards.  As a member of the Lifesaving Society, who represents our aquatic industry partners and affiliates, we are requesting and value your input.

We are currently requesting feedback on the Swimming Pool Basin Colour draft standard for stakeholder review.  The draft standard may be viewed online:


If you are not the appropriate individual within your organization to review this document, please forward the links to the correct individual.

Please provide feedback on the standard via Survey Monkey
( no later than 4:00 PM on October 16, 2024.

Thank you for your assistance and support as we develop standards to further our drowning prevention mission.